Remove & Install Valve Seals
*Part of 9U-7226 Valve Seal Installer Group.
Start By:
a. remove valve spring assembly
NOTE: The valve seals can be replaced with the cylinder head either on or off of the engine, and with the valves either removed or installed.
1. Use Tool (A) or pliers to remove valve seal (2) from valve (1) and valve guide (3).
NOTE: Steps 2 and 3 are for installing the valve seals in a cylinder head with the valves installed. If the valves have been removed from the cylinder head, go to step (4).
2. Put a thin film of clean engine oil on a new valve seal (2). Position valve seal (2) on to valve (1).
3. Use Tool (B) and hand pressure only to push valve seal (2) into position in the valve guide.
NOTE: Use the following step to install valve seal into a cylinder head with the valves removed. Tool (C) [valve seal pin] is used in place of the valve stem to correctly position the new valve seal.
4. Put a thin film of clean engine oil on a new valve seal (2). Position valve seal (2) on to Tool (B).
5. Insert Tool (C) through Tool (B) and the new valve seal.
6. Position Tool (C) into the valve guide bore.
7. Use Tool (B) and hand pressure only to push valve seal (2) into position in the valve guide.
8. Remove Tool (B) and Tool (C) from the valve guide.
End By:
a. install valve spring assembly