After verifying the correct repair has been performed on the engine, it is critical to provide brief, detailed information. This information helps Caterpillar better serve you and the customer.
Customer’s Complaint
Obtain as much information from the customer as possible. Investigate any written information that is available and document any information that is gathered from the customer. The following information is of particular importance:
- Indicate if the diagnostic lamp was flashing.
- Indicate if the warning lamp was flashing, or if the lamp was on continuously.
- Indicate the symptoms of engine operation that are present.
Be as specific as possible.
Cause of Failure
Comments on the cause of failure should include the number of diagnostic codes that were logged. Comments should also indicate if the code was an active code. Indicate the source of the problem. Also indicate the method that was used to discover the problem. Examples of the methods that were used to discover the problem could be one of the following methods:
- A specific procedure in the manual was followed.
- A visual inspection indicated that wire abrasion on the engine harness existed.
- An engine dynamometer test indicated that the power was below the specification at 1700 rpm due to the loss of the no. 4 injector and an engine dynamometer test indicated that the power was below the specification at all engine speeds above 1700 rpm due to the loss of the no. 4 injector.
Be as specific as possible.
Repair Procedure
Comments on the repair procedure should include the following types of information:
- The wiring harness was repaired.
- The Full Load Setting (FLS) was changed per the factory’s instructions.
Be as specific as possible.