Modbus Parameter Translation and ECM Configuration Quick Start Guide
The checklist that is in this section provides information for implementing and for configuring Modbus parameter translations with the use of the PL1000E ECM. Each step or procedure in the checklist references the appropriate section(s) of this System Operation Troubleshooting Testing and Adjusting, RENR8091, “PL1000E Communication ECM” that explains the detail of the respective procedure.
Gathering Information for PL1000E Commissioning
Preparation for Commissioning PL1000E
- Identify the type of “Programmable Logic Controller” (PLC) that is being used.
- Verify that the PLC supports the native Modbus, NOT Modbus+.
- Verify that the PLC is a Modbus Master that is capable of requesting registers 40,001 through 42,000.
- Identify the protocol that is required for the Modbus. (TCP, RS-232, RS-485 (4 wire), RS-485 (2 wire), and RS-422).
- Verify the baud rate for the serial port.
- Identify the Modbus slave address in the PL1000E that the “Master” will request the information from.
- If applicable, locate the unused Modbus slave address for the internal housekeeping.
- Verify that the PL1000E is connected to a network.
- Identify the type of network addressing that is currently being used.
Note: The address type will be either “Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol” (DHCP) or “Static” addressing.
- Locate the “Static” address information.
- Verify the “Internet Protocol” IP Address.
- Verify the Subnet Address.
- If applicable, depending on the network, verify the Gateway Address.
Caterpillar Dealer Questions
- Verify all of the Cat Data Link ECM addresses.
Note: The ECM address depends on the type of engine that is being used. To locate the ECM address, log onto Cat ET. Initially, ECM addresses may be in hexadecimal format, and will need to be converted into decimal format for the Parameter Translation Editor.
- Locate the data link that the information is on from each ECM and the starting registers.
System Block Diagram
Refer to Illustration 1 for the system block diagram.
Transferring System Block Diagram to PCL Editor
- Ensure that each Caterpillar ECM is defined. Ensure that each ECM has the correct address.
- Verify all Modbus ECMs, and that each Modbus ECM has the correct Modbus slave ID.
Note: The PL1000E has two Modbus slave addresses. The Modbus slave address that is configured in the PCL file is the address the Modbus Master uses in order to retrieve engine information. The Modbus slave address that is configured in Cat ET, Caterpillar Communication Tool Kit, or through the web server, is for the PL1000E’s internal statistics.
- Define all of the translation lines from the Caterpillar ECMs to the Modbus ECMs.
- Select the NEEDED parameters on each translation line.
Note: The Modbus registers that are associated with each parameter are shown in the right hand column.
Note: All of the parameters that are in the General Parameter Translation Editor (PTE) files may not be supported.
- Ensure that each defined ECM has a unique “ECM ID”.
Note: Please review the parameter list report for scaling.
- Save a “.CSV” file from each translation line. This will be given to the PLC integrator.
- Save the PCL file to a computer.
Items During Commissioning
- Wire the PL1000E for use with the PLC. Refer to “Caterpillar Dealer Questions” for instructions about the required connections for the PLC.
- Upload the PCL file into the PL1000E via FTP. Use the “IP” address or “Internet Host Name”. The “IP” address or “Internet Host Name” are both defined in the “Configuration” screen in Cat ET. The default username and the password are both “admin”. Check the ECM mapping screen for correct addresses and for correct Modbus slave addresses.
- Verify that the PL1000E is communicating the correct data.
- Locate a parameter that is in a Cat ET status screen. Check for accuracy between the PCL file and Cat ET.
- Verify that there are no problems with the communications. Modify the PCL file in order to send the data to a RS-232 port. Check to make sure the data is being sent by the PL1000E.
Develop A System Block Diagram
Illustration 1 | g01395613 |
Sample System Block Diagram |
Begin by making a sketch of the system diagram. The system diagram should identify each ECM that is in the system. The system diagram should identify each ECM communication type.
Refer to the sample of a system diagram that is shown in Illustration 1. Illustration 1 provides an explanation and a description of each electronic control that is used. There is certain information that is needed about each device in order to perform the integration successfully.
The system diagram that is shown in Illustration 1 is a generic example that could be used for an application. Each system may vary depending on the components and on the interfaces that the system contains.
Caterpillar Electronic Control Numbers 1, 2, and 3
The control numbers can represent an engine control, a combustion module, or other electronic devices that exist in the Caterpillar application.
Required Information and Tools:
- Package or Engine Serial Number
- Parameter Translation Editor PTE file
- Data Link Addresses
Note: The PTE file should be located on same Compact Disc (CD) with the PL1000E information. If the PTE file is not included, then contact local Caterpillar dealer.
Note: For “Data Link Addresses” information, refer to the System Operation Troubleshooting, Testing and Adjusting, RENR8091, “Data Link Address of Caterpillar Electronic Control”.
PL1000E Communication ECM
The PL1000E Communication ECM is designed specifically for communication translations from Caterpillar electronic controls.
Required Information and Tools:
- Modbus Port Configuration
- Caterpillar Communication Tool Kit or Caterpillar ET 2007B or later
- List of Requested Parameters
- Modbus and PL1000E Modbus Slave Address
Modbus Master Device
This device may be any industry available Modbus communications device so long as it meets the following criteria:
- Capable of Modbus communications over RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 (4 wire) and RS-485 (2 wire) or Ethernet
- Modbus Protocol communications designed in accordance with Modbus Application Protocol Specification V1.1a
- Capable of requesting single and multiple Modbus registers in the range of 40,001 through 42,000
Prepare the PCL File
Use the Caterpillar Communications Tool Kit or Caterpillar Electronic Technician (Cat ET) in order to prepare the PCL file as described in this document.
Refer to the System Operation Troubleshooting Testing and Adjusting, RENR8091, “PL1000E Communication ECM”, “Parameter Translation Configuration” section.
Refer also to the System Operation Troubleshooting Testing and Adjusting, RENR8091, “PL1000E Communication ECM”, “Create Parameter Translation Design” section.
In the PCL design window, each Caterpillar electronic control from the system block diagram would be represented by a CDL or a J1939 ECM Object. Each Caterpillar electronic control from the system block diagram will require a PTE file association. The PL1000E Modbus interface would be represented by a Modbus ECM. The translations are defined by the “Translation Lines”. The “Translation Lines” are defined by the CDL or J1939 ECM, and by the Modbus ECM.
Contact Network Administrator
Each network is different. Each network requires slightly different configurations. The configuration is dependent upon the hardware and the software that is used in order to configure, manage, and maintain the system’s servers.
If the embedded web server of the PL1000E Communication ECM’s is to be accessible over a local network, then the local network administrator should be contacted in order to obtain the appropriate configurations. The factory default setting for the PL1000E is “Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol” (DHCP).
In order to change from the DHCP setting, refer to the System Operation Troubleshooting Testing and Adjusting, RENR8091, “PL1000E Communication ECM”, “Internet Protocol Configuration” section.
Configure the PL1000E
The Modbus communications must be configured in the PCL file. The Modbus communications must also be configured separately in the configuration screen of Cat ET.
Refer to the “Modbus Configuration” section of this document in order to determine the appropriate configurations for the system. The ethernet port is used to transfer the PCL file to the PL1000E. The ethernet port can be configured with Cat ET or Caterpillar Communication Toolkit.
If the embedded web server is to be used, then the embedded web server must also be initially configured using Cat ET. Refer to System Operation Troubleshooting Testing and Adjusting, RENR8091, “PL1000E Communication ECM”, “Internet Protocol Configuration” for the appropriate configurations for the system.
Note: Configuration of the PL1000E Communication ECM and preparation of the PCL file may be completed prior to the actual installation at the system site. The PL1000E Communication ECM does not need to be connected to the Caterpillar electronic controls in the system in order to allow proper configurations, PCL file creation, or PCL file installation.
Install the PCL File onto the PL1000E
Note: The PL1000E must be configured before installation of the PCL file.
There are several different methods that can be used in order to install the PCL file, however, all of the methods must be executed using “File Transfer Protocol” FTP over the ECM’s ethernet connection. After the PCL file has been successfully installed on the ECM, the module is ready for installation. Also, the module is ready for integration with the other Caterpillar electronic controls and the Modbus master.
Refer to the “LAN Network Ethernet Connection” section and to the “PL1000E Communication ECM” section of this document for information about connection methods.
Also, refer to System Operation Troubleshooting Testing and Adjusting, RENR8091, “PL1000E Communication ECM”, “Direct Crossover Ethernet Connection” section.
Install the Necessary Infrastructure to Integrate the PL1000E Into A System
Refer to Special Instruction, REHS2362 for installation and wiring requirements of the PL1000E Communication ECM.
Validate Successful Communications of the PL1000E to Caterpillar Electronic Controls
Using either the embedded communication adapter of the ECM or other external communication adapters, verify that the service tool can successfully detect all Caterpillar electronic controls in the system.
Validate Successful Modbus Communications of the PL1000E to the Modbus Master
Configure or program the Modbus master to request any or all of the status and statistics Modbus registers from the ECM. In order to retrieve the standard and statistics Modbus register data, the ECM Modbus slave address that is defined in the Modbus configuration through the Cat ET, Caterpillar Communication Toolkit (the ECM configuration), or embedded web pages must be used.
Alternately, configure or program the Modbus master in order to request any of the Modbus registers that are defined in the PCL file for one of the Caterpillar electronic controls in the system. In order to retrieve the Modbus registers from the other Caterpillar electronic controls in the system, the ECM Modbus slave address that is defined in the PCL file must be used.
This is the end of “Quick Start Guide”.