Hexadecimal UID numbers must be converted to their decimal equivalents in order to be placed in the XML code for the custom pages. The hexadecimal numbers that are associated with a specific UID can be found by opening the PTE file associated with the ECM that is being monitored in the “Parameter Translation Editor”. Perform the following in order to convert a hexadecimal number to a decimal number:
- Click “Start”.
- Click “Programs”.
- Click “Accessories”.
- Click “Calculator”.
- From the “View” menu, select “Scientific”. Refer to Illustration 1.
Illustration 1 |
g01747434 |
- Select “Hex” and “Qword” under the data entry window.
- Enter the hexidecimal number that is to be converted. Refer to Illustration .
- Select “Dec” and “Degrees” under the data entry window.
Illustration 2 |
g01721453 |
Illustration 3 |
g01721454 |