Remove Air Inlet Manifold
1. Loosen clamps (1) and (3). Disconnect the hoses.
2. Remove bolts (2) and elbow (4).
3. Loosen clamps (6) and slide the hose on to the turbocharger.
4. Disconnect hose (8) from the fuel injection pump.
5. Remove bolts (5). Loosen bolt (9).
NOTE: Manifold (7) has opening (slot) in it for bolt (9).
6. Remove manifold (7) and the gaskets.
Install Air Inlet Manifold
1. Put gaskets (3) and manifold (1) in position and install the bolts.
2. Connect hose (4) to the fuel injection pump.
3. Put hose (2) in position and tighten the clamps.
4. Put elbow (5) in position and install the bolts.
5. Connect the hoses and tighten clamps (6) and (7).