3304 And 3306 Engines
A Tools needed: 1-9S8871 Locator, 2-8T0810 Installer*, 3-7F8022 Bolt, 4-9S8858 Nut, 5-9S8890 Bolt (three), 6-5P7298 Installer.
*New Tool.
B Rear Seal and Wear Sleeve
1 Use three 9S8890 Bolts (5) to fasten 9S8871 Locator (1) to the rear of the crankshaft.
2 Put clean engine oil on the seal lip of seal (7) and on the outside diameter of wear sleeve (8). Put seal (7) on wear sleeve (8) as shown. Use 8M8060 Quick Cure Primer to clean the outside diameter (A) of the crankshaft flange, and the inside diameter (B) of wear sleeve (8). Put 9S3265 Retaining Compound on the outside diameter (A) of the crankshaft flange and the inside diameter (B) of the wear sleeve.
3 Put wear sleeve (8) with seal (7) on locator (1). Put 5P7298 Installer (6) on locator (1) and install 9S8858 Nut (4). Put lubricant on face (C) of the washer on nut (4). Tighten nut (4) until installer (6) comes in contact with locator (1).
C Front Seal and Wear Sleeve
1 Put clean engine oil on the seal lip of seal (9) and on the outside diameter of wear sleeve (10). Install seal (9) on wear sleeve (10) as shown.