3306 Cylinder Block – Top Deck Repair

Cylinder block top deck cleaning.

Clean the cylinder block top deck completely with wire brush or “Scotchbrite” pad. Use caution when cleaning around the liner bores with rotary abrasive pads. The liner seat can be damaged if pad is not held parallel with the block surface. This damage and its reduced seating area may cause a head joint failure shortly after engine operation has begun.

Removing burrs from top deck.

After cleaning, use a flat file to dress the top deck to remove burrs and highlight the original factory milling marks.

Milling pattern marks.

Carefully inspect each liner seat area for signs of measurable erosion. Determine measurable erosion with an 8T0455 Liner Projection Tool Group. Measurable erosion generally will destroy the milling mark pattern and exhibit a rough, pebbly surface. If erosion directly under the liner flange measures .025 mm (.001 in) deep or more with the depth gauge, record these measurements in the Service Report.

Measurable erosion under liner flange is permissible when the eroded area is not more than .025 mm (.001 in) deep. Multiple areas of erosion are also permissible if depth does not exceed .025 mm (.001 in) deep. These small areas of erosion under the liner flange are acceptable. The liner flange is designed with sufficient rigidity to span those areas without affecting sealability of the head gasket. This erosion or fretting damage is acceptable if it does not affect liner projection.

Milling marks evident, no visible or measurable erosion, liner seat areas with dark stains. Do Not Counterbore.

Milling marks evident, no visible or measurable erosion, liner seat areas with dark stains. Do Not Counterbore.

Milling marks evident, no visible or measurable erosion, liner seat areas with dark stains. Do Not Counterbore.

Milling marks evident, no visible or measurable erosion, liner seat areas. Do Not Counterbore.

Casting damage extends more than half way across width of liner seat. Counterbore to restore liner seat flatness.

Erosion and milling mark pattern measures less than 0.025 mm (0.001 in) deep. Do Not Counterbore.

Erosion and milling mark pattern measures less than 0.025 mm (0.001 in) deep. Do Not Counterbore.

Measurable erosion outside the immediate liner seat. Do Not Counterbore.

Measurable erosion occuring outside the immediate liner seat area is permissible. This erosion does not affect the stability of the liner nor the sealing ability of the head gasket. This erosion will not clean up by counterboring.

Erosion under the water ferrules and outside the liner seat area.

Erosion under the water ferrules is permissible. This erosion can be filled with 5P3321 Epoxy, a compound of liquid metal fillers or Belzona “Ceramic R”.

NOTE: Machining the top deck of the block for this type of erosion around the water ferrule is NOT required.

Pebbly block surface in liner seat.

Measurable erosion of .0890 mm (0.0035 in) deep.

Rough pebbly block surface in liner seat area must be measured. Erosion measuring more than .025 mm (0.001 in) deep must be removed by counterboring. Repair this damage by counterboring the block deck and installing the thinnest possible stainless steel insert.

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