Disassemble Turbocharger (Airesearch T12)
start by:
a) remove turbocharger
1. Install the turbocharger on tool (A).
2. Put marks on the housing for correct installation at assembly.
3. Loosen clamp (1). Remove compressor housing (2). Remove the clamp.
4. Remove bolts (3), locks (6) and plate (5).
5. Remove the center section from turbine housing (4).
6. Install tool (C) in tool (B). Install the center section in tool (C) as shown.
7. Remove nut (7) that holds the compressor wheel to the shaft and wheel assembly.
8. Install tool (E) on tool (D). Heat tool (D) to a temperature of 350°F ± 25°F (176° ± 14°C). Install the cartridge assembly on tool (E) so only the compressor wheel is in the oil. Heat the compressor wheel for no more than ten minutes.
9. Install tool (E) with the center section of tool (F). Remove compressor wheel (9) with an arbor press (8) and tool (G).
NOTE: Step 9 must be done before the impeller gets cold.
10. Remove shaft and wheel assembly (10), shroud (1) and spacer (13) from center housing.
11. After removal of shaft and wheel assembly from the center housing, install on tool (H). See SPECIAL INSTRUCTION Form SMHS6998-01 to make sure the turbocharger shaft is straight.
12. Remove bolts (14), locks (15) and plate (16) from the center housing.
13. Remove collar (17).
14. Remove two bearings (18) and three snap rings (19) from the center housing.
15. Check all parts of the turbocharger for damage. Make replacements if necessary. See SPECIAL INSTRUCTION Form No. SMHS6854 for turbocharger reconditioning. Also see GUIDELINE FOR REUSABLE PARTS Form No. SEBF8018.
Assemble Turbocharger (Airesearch T12)
1. Clean all parts thoroughly before the turbocharger is assembled.
2. Install snap ring (15), bearing (12) and snap ring (11) in center housing (10). Install snap ring (9) and bearing (8).
3. Install shroud (13), shaft and wheel assembly (16) in the center housing.
NOTE: Put 6V2055 High Vacuum Grease in the groove for ring seal (14) at assembly to one half or more of the depth of the groove all the way around.
4. Install spacer (7) and collar (6).
5. Put plate (5) in position on the center housing. Install bolts (4). Tighten the bolts to a torque of 40 ± 5 lb.in. (4.5 ± 0.6 N·m).
6. Install spacer (3). Make sure the small inside diameter of the spacer is toward the compressor wheel end of the shaft and wheel assembly.
7. Install tool (C) in tool (B). Install the center section in tool (B).
8. Use the following steps for compressor wheel installation:
a) Install the compressor wheel on the shaft by hand.
b) Measure the distance between the compressor wheel and the backplate at the point where the compressor wheel no longer moves freely on the shaft.
c) If the distance between compressor wheel and backplate is more than .310 in. (7.87 mm), use tool (B) and the following procedure:
1) Heat compressor wheel to 350°F ± 25°F (176° ± 14°C) for a maximum of ten minutes.
2) Install compressor wheel on shaft and tighten nut to 120 lb.in. (14 N·m).
3) Let compressor wheel cool to below 150°F (65°C).
4) Loosen nut and put oil on the shaft threads and nut face.
5) Tighten nut again to 30 lb.in. (3 N·m) + 120°.
d) If the distance between compressor wheel and backplate is .310 in. (7.87 mm) or less, proceed as follows:
1) Put the compressor wheel on shaft and tighten nut to a torque of 120 lb.in. (13.6 N·m).
2) Loosen nut and put oil on the shaft threads and nut face.
3) Tighten nut again to 30 lb.in. (3 N·m) + 120° more.
9. Install turbine housing (17) on tool (A). Install the center section in the turbine housing.
NOTE: Put the marks that were made at disassembly in alignment to make sure the housings are in their original position.
10. Put 5P3931 Anti-Seize Compound on the threads of bolts (21). Install plates (20), locks (19) and the bolts. Tighten the bolts to a torque of 175 ± 15 lb.in. (19.8 ± 1.7 N·m).
11. Install a new O-ring seal (18) on the center housing.
12. Put clamp (23) over the center section. Put compressor housing (22) in alignment with the marks made at disassembly. Put the clamp in position over the housing. Tighten the clamp to a torque of 10 ± 1 lb. ft. (14 ± 1 N·m).
13. Put oil in the center section and turn the shaft and wheel assembly.
end by:
a) install turbocharger