Check 5P7435 Tee Adapter Groups In The 6V3100 Engine Timing Indicator Groups

All Caterpillar Engines

All 5P7435 Tee Adapter Groups, part of the 6V3100 Engine Timing Indicator Group, must be checked for incorrectly drilled holes. The 5P7435 Tee Adapter Group is used with the 6V7910 Transducer to detect the fuel pulse. The holes are drilled correctly when the cross hole appears at the bottom of the taper as shown in Illustration 1.

Illustration 1. Correct hole locations.

Some adapters have been found with the hole drilled incorrectly as shown in Illustration 2. When this happens, the fuel line will block the hole and will not allow the injection transducer to pick up the impulse.

Illustration 2. Incorrect hole location.

To correct the problem of an incorrectly drilled hole, use a high speed drill or similar tool and drill or grind a slot from the cross drilled hole to the bottom of the flared surface as shown in Illustration 3. This will allow fuel pressure to reach the injection transducer when the fuel line is installed.

NOTE: Care must be taken to thoroughly clean all metal particles from the adapter before using.

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