Engine Valve Stem “Use Again” Specifications

All Caterpillar Engines

The current Guideline For Reusable Parts “Valves and Valve Spring Specifications,” Form SEBF8034-03 has some “use again” minimum valve stem diameters that are different from those in Form SEBF8034-02. The metric “use again” minimum valve stem diameters in the current guideline were rounded (changed) to the nearest .005 mm. These rounded dimensions will make it possible for the dealer to use either the 6V87 Valve Stem Gauges or standard metric gauges to check the diameter of the valve stems.

The chart which follows shows the numbers which were rounded to the nearest .005 mm. The difference in the rounded numbers is so small that it will not change the “use again” decision. Either set of dimensions can be used. There was no change made to inch dimensions.

Gauges other than the 6V87 Valve Stem Gauges can be used to measure the valve stems. One example of this is the 652 MJZ Universal Dial Bench Gauge. See the illustration. This gauge can be used with metric plug gauges to check all valve stems in Caterpillar Engines. The plug gauges are used to set the dial indicator to the minimum “use again” dimension. The valve stem can then be put in position under the indicator tip. The indicator will then show if the valve stem is within the “use again” specifications.

The 652 MJZ Universal Dial Bench Gauge is available from:

L.S. Starrett Company
Athol, MA 01331
Phone: 617-249-3551
Telex: 928-427

The metric plug gauges are available in .005 mm increments from:

Helco Precision Cutting Tools And Gages, Inc.
4450 Virginia
St. Louis, MO 63111
Phone: 314-752-9555

Use of the universal dial bench gauge to check a valve stem.

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